viewing the night sky.. its truly dark..
acc0mpanied by shimmering stars..
i glimpses a shooting star,blazing red..
with shifting c0l0urs,blue,green,crims0n..
i cl0sed my eyes.. the hanging tears,finally fall..r0lling down..
i LOVE u..
acc0mpanied by shimmering stars..
i glimpses a shooting star,blazing red..
with shifting c0l0urs,blue,green,crims0n..
i cl0sed my eyes.. the hanging tears,finally fall..r0lling down..
i LOVE u..
but..where are u??
every desire that been neglected.. i wish it wasnt always my MISTAKES..
i woke up fr0m a nightmare..
to rebuild the fallen dream,elevate it t0 heights..
to heal all the heartache!
to rebuild the fallen dream,elevate it t0 heights..
to heal all the heartache!
along with the living that i want..
its time to say gudbye..
i wish i were str0nger.. BYE..
~i hate the loneliness..but..s0meh0w.. it l0ve me m0re~
i wish i were str0nger.. BYE..
~i hate the loneliness..but..s0meh0w.. it l0ve me m0re~
Hehe..juz, be ur self..:)